Stormy Weather: A
tribute to Billie Holiday and Etta James
Asignatura y nivel: Inglés Intermedio B2.1 – Escuela Oficial de Idiomas.
Ø Explorar la relación entre el léxico para hablar
del tiempo meteorológico y para expresar estados de ánimo a partir de la letra
de Stormy Weather.
Ø Comparar las biografías de dos cantantes de blues utilizando diversas fuentes.
Ø Escribir la biografía de un cantante o artista.
Ä Imágenes de tormentas, lluvia, soledad, tristeza
Ä Video “Storm,
Rain, Gloom” sin música (actividad
4.1) y con música (actividad 4.2).
Ä Fotos y dibujos de Billie Holiday y Etta James
Ä Temas de blues:
Ä Video “Stormy Weather: A Tribute to Billie Holiday
and Etta James”.
Ä Biografías de Billie Holiday y Etta James.
Ä Conexiones biográficas y artísticas entre ambas
v Los alumnos ven imágenes de tormentas, lluvia,
soledad, tristeza, etc, describen lo que ven y comparten los sentimientos que
les suscitan personalmente, reciclando el léxico de las unidades didácticas 1,
parte b (sentimientos) y 2, parte a (tiempo meteorológico).
v Visionado del video “Storm, Rain, Gloom” con el léxico clave, sin música.
v Visionado del video “Storm, Rain, Gloom” con música. Se pregunta si algún alumno
reconoce la melodía (Stormy Weather)
y el género (blues). La clase
menciona otros temas y cantantes de blues.
Se escuchan algunos fragmentos.
v Imágenes sueltas de Billie Holiday y Etta James:
los alumnos que sepan algo sobre ellas lo cuentan al resto.
v Visionado
del video “Stormy Weather: A Tribute to
Billie Holiday and Etta James”. Se
exploran las metáforas que relacionan el tiempo con diferentes estados de
v La clase se divide en dos grupos: en casa, cada grupo
lee las biografías de Billie Holiday y Etta James, respectivamente, en dos textos
procedentes de dos fuentes distintas (
v En parejas que hayan leído cada uno sobre una
cantante distinta, intercambian información y establecen en una tabla similitudes
y diferencias entre las vidas de las dos cantantes.
v La clase se divide en tres grupos: cada grupo
lee uno de los tres artículos que incluyen relaciones entre la vida y/u obra de
Billie Holiday y Etta James.
v En grupos de tres, en los que cada miembro hay
leído un artículo distinto, intercambian información y añaden similitudes y
diferencias a la tabla elaborada.
v Como trabajo individual para casa, investigan en
Internet y escriben la biografía de algún cantante o artista en cuya obra se
reflejan estados de ánimo relacionados con momentos concretos de su trayectoria
vital. Deben utilizar como mínimo tres páginas web diferentes como fuentes de
información para su composición.
Stormy Weather: A Tribute to Billie Holiday and Etta James by CLEO MERINO is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional License.
"Stormy Weather" was written by Harold Arlen and Ted Koehler in 1933.
Versions by Billie Holiday (1952), 'An Evening with Billie Holiday' (Clef - Verve Records) and Etta James (1960), 'At Last' (Argo Records)
1 (background) Storm in Southern Kansas, by rsaxvc 2 Billie Holiday, by Confetta 3 Etta James (1962 album), by Argo Records 4 Storm over Miami Beach, by Kat Grigg 5 Intense Storm Clouds at Sunset, by MAMJODH 6 Storm Front, by P. K. Designs 7 Belén Moreno - Billie Holiday, by Revista Wego 8 Rain, by Liz 9 Etta James: A Portrait, by Constantine Belias 10 Rain rain rain rain rain..., by GreyHobbit 11 Into the Woods, by Sharon Drummond 12 Gloomy, by Zach Dischner 13 ¡Rayos!, by José Eugenio Gómez Rodríguez 14 Storm preparing to unleash, by State Farm 15 Loneliness Explored, by Vinoth Chandar 16 Winter Mist, by Evan Leeson 17 Rain days, by @Doug88888 18 The old Rockin' Chair, by Josh Self 19 Praying Hands, by C Jill Reed 20 Stormy weather!, by Khalid Almasoud 21 Surrealistic Stormy Sky, by MAMJODH 22 Stormy sunrise at St. Augustine Beach, by Casino Jones 23 Bare Island, by Gemma Stiles 24 Family Size on the Farm, by Trey Ratcliff 25 Piovono fulmini, by gerlos 26 Sheets of rain, by Denny Pewsey 27 Rain Study 3, by Amanda Slater 28 I'm Dreamin' Of Yesterdays, by Lotus Carroll 29 Smack is a vampire, by i am Drexel 30 Etta_James-At_Last-Frontal , by Argo Records 31 Black Power, by Xurxo Martínez 32 Raindrops on a car window, by Tanveer Chandok 33 Rain, by wGGta 34 Billie Holiday, Downbeat, New York, Feb 1947 , by William P. Gotlieb 35 Etta James- I´d rather go blind (1967), by Soul Portrait 36 Storm in Southern Kansas, by rsaxvc
Versions by Billie Holiday (1952), 'An Evening with Billie Holiday' (Clef - Verve Records) and Etta James (1960), 'At Last' (Argo Records)
1 (background) Storm in Southern Kansas, by rsaxvc 2 Billie Holiday, by Confetta 3 Etta James (1962 album), by Argo Records 4 Storm over Miami Beach, by Kat Grigg 5 Intense Storm Clouds at Sunset, by MAMJODH 6 Storm Front, by P. K. Designs 7 Belén Moreno - Billie Holiday, by Revista Wego 8 Rain, by Liz 9 Etta James: A Portrait, by Constantine Belias 10 Rain rain rain rain rain..., by GreyHobbit 11 Into the Woods, by Sharon Drummond 12 Gloomy, by Zach Dischner 13 ¡Rayos!, by José Eugenio Gómez Rodríguez 14 Storm preparing to unleash, by State Farm 15 Loneliness Explored, by Vinoth Chandar 16 Winter Mist, by Evan Leeson 17 Rain days, by @Doug88888 18 The old Rockin' Chair, by Josh Self 19 Praying Hands, by C Jill Reed 20 Stormy weather!, by Khalid Almasoud 21 Surrealistic Stormy Sky, by MAMJODH 22 Stormy sunrise at St. Augustine Beach, by Casino Jones 23 Bare Island, by Gemma Stiles 24 Family Size on the Farm, by Trey Ratcliff 25 Piovono fulmini, by gerlos 26 Sheets of rain, by Denny Pewsey 27 Rain Study 3, by Amanda Slater 28 I'm Dreamin' Of Yesterdays, by Lotus Carroll 29 Smack is a vampire, by i am Drexel 30 Etta_James-At_Last-Frontal , by Argo Records 31 Black Power, by Xurxo Martínez 32 Raindrops on a car window, by Tanveer Chandok 33 Rain, by wGGta 34 Billie Holiday, Downbeat, New York, Feb 1947 , by William P. Gotlieb 35 Etta James- I´d rather go blind (1967), by Soul Portrait 36 Storm in Southern Kansas, by rsaxvc
Captions based on lyrics from the song 'Stormy Weather'.
Music: 'Stormy Weather' by Beachcomber, tenor saxophone with Band in a Box.
Storm, Rain, Gloom by CLEO MERINO is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional License.
Just as good weather usually has an uplifting effect,
dull, stormy weather can heighten a sense of sadness and depression.
Do you feel down and 'get the blues' when there's no sunshine?
Storm, Rain, Gloom by CLEO MERINO is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional License.
Just as good weather usually has an uplifting effect,
1 Storm in Southern Kansas, by rsaxvc 2 Intense Storm Clouds at Sunset, by MAMJODH 3 Storm over Miami Beach, by Kat Grigg 4 Storm Front, by P. K. Designs 5 Rain, by Liz 6 Into the Woods, by Sharon Drummond 7 Gloomy, by Zach Dischner 8 ¡Rayos!, by José Eugenio Gómez Rodríguez 9 Storm preparing to unleash, by State Farm 10 Loneliness Explored, by Vinoth Chandar 11 Rain days, by @Doug88888 12 The old Rockin' Chair, by Josh Self 13 Praying Hands, by C Jill Reed 14 Stormy weather!, by Khalid Almasoud 15 Surrealistic Stormy Sky, by MAMJODH 16 Stormy sunrise at St. Augustine Beach, by Casino Jones 17 Bare Island, by Gemma Stiles 18 Family Size on the Farm, by Trey Ratcliff 19 Piovono fulmini, by gerlos 20 Sheets of rain, by Denny Pewsey 21 Rain Study 3, by Amanda Slater 22 Raindrops on a car window, by Tanveer Chandok
(three tracks - mixed)
Stormy Weather by Beachcomber, tenor saxophone with Band in a Box
Stormy Weather by Beachcomber, tenor saxophone with Band in a Box
(three tracks)
Don’t know why
there’s no sun up in the sky.
Stormy weather.
Since my man and I
Don’t know why
there’s no sun up in the sky.
Stormy weather.
Since my man and I
ain’t together
keeps raining all the time
keeps raining all the time
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